Monday, February 28, 2005
Windows XP SP2 Platform SDK : I noticed that the new Platform SDK was released when I installed my new development computer for WindowsXP, VAIO typeA. The major changes are for security such as network and memory protection, I could compile my projects with no problem using the new Platform SDK :-)
Friday, February 25, 2005
CLIE : Sony announced to withdraw from PDA market in Japan too. I bought two CLIEs, PEG-S500C and PEG-T600C, but I don't use these recently. The news is no good because I was looking forward to get Cobalt based CLIE to create some applications using the new functions such as multi-thread X-<
Thursday, February 24, 2005
C Programming Language 2nd Edition : I bought the Japanese translated book to know the outline of ANSI-C because I have been read only the first edition, and I am reading it. The book makes me feel nostalgic. I will create the library using only C without the const define for old or subset C compilers. | ![]() |
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
On2Share : It is a plug-in of UPnP AV Media Player for Windows Media Player. A user tell me that the plug-in couldn't show contents of CyberMediaGate, but I could get the contents list and play the movies of CyberMediaGate with MythTV normally.
Windows Media SDK : It seems that the plug-in is created as the background mode using the SDK. I have released a UPnP AV plug-in for VideoLAN client, but I have to release the patch each the client version. I would like to release the plug-in for Windows Media Player if I have more time.
Windows Media SDK : It seems that the plug-in is created as the background mode using the SDK. I have released a UPnP AV plug-in for VideoLAN client, but I have to release the patch each the client version. I would like to release the plug-in for Windows Media Player if I have more time.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
NAS-A10 : Sony announced the new network audio system that has a 40GB HDD and a 100BASE-TX port. It is a lower-cost alternative to NAS-A1, supports DLNA guideline to play music in other UPnP Media Server too. However, it seems that other plyers can't play music in the audio system yet X-<
RD-H1 : Toshiba announced the cheap HDD video recorder without DVD drives like Sony's Cocoon and Victor's HM-HD1. It is a cheap and good recorder, but I can't use it as a UPnP Media Server because the movie contents are transferred using FTP and the transferred contents are deleted X-<
RD-H1 : Toshiba announced the cheap HDD video recorder without DVD drives like Sony's Cocoon and Victor's HM-HD1. It is a cheap and good recorder, but I can't use it as a UPnP Media Server because the movie contents are transferred using FTP and the transferred contents are deleted X-<
Monday, February 21, 2005
MiSPO : I will use their development package, NORTi SH7616, with Renesas Super H C/C++ compiler for uITRON. It has a good simulator for uITRON, NORTi Simulator, and I will be able to debug the application only on Windows platform without the hardware. The TCP/IP library is based on the TRON specification that doesn't support multicast network, but the APIs are extended to support the multicast functions as the following.
UB ipaddr[] = { 225, 6, 7, 8 };
T_IPV4EP addr;
udp_cre_cep(cepid, &udp_cep);
dstaddr.ipaddr = byte4_to_long(ipaddr);
dstaddr.portno = UDP_PORT_NO;
udp_snd_dat(cepid, &dstaddr, &pkt, sizeof(pkt), TMO_FEVR);
addr.ipaddr = byte4_to_long(ipaddr);
addr.portno = 1100;
udp_set_opt(cepid, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (VP)&addr, sizeof(mreq));
udp_rcv_dat(cepid, &dstaddr, &pkt, sizeof(pkt), TMO_FEVR);
udp_set_opt(cepid, IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP, (VP)&addr, sizeof(mreq));
Friday, February 18, 2005
Softbank BB : They announced to start IPv6 service for their broad band service, Yahoo BB. I use the Internet provider in my home. The IPv6 service will doesn't need to buy the IPv6 equipments, the IPv6 packets are tunneled by their network equipments until end of this year. The IPv6 service will support Multicast6, and I may be able to create more good solution for digital home devices :-)
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Intel NMPR v2.1 : The new guideline for digital devices such as DLNA is released. To run the tools, I had to install Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1.
Using the conformance test tool, I checked my latest CyberMediaGate for MythTV, but some tests are failed. It seems that the CyberMediaGate couldn't exec the HEAD request normally and I might have to add many changes for NMPR v2.1 X-<
Using the conformance test tool, I checked my latest CyberMediaGate for MythTV, but some tests are failed. It seems that the CyberMediaGate couldn't exec the HEAD request normally and I might have to add many changes for NMPR v2.1 X-<
Test Case Title | Version | Level | Pass/Fail | Result Comments |
---|---|---|---|---| DDC UPnP SSDP Default Port | 2005.2.1.48 | Baseline | Failed | Failed to get a valid CACHE-CONTROL tag from the M-SEARCH! | DDC UPnP HTTP Support and General Rules | 2005.2.1.48 | Baseline | Failed | Timed out waiting for the device XML HEAD from ''! | DDC UPnP HTTP Support and General Rules | 2005.2.1.48 | Baseline | Failed | An attempt to get the device XML HEAD failed! | DDC UPnP HTTP Support and General Rules | 2005.2.1.48 | Baseline | Failed | USER ABORTED! | DDC UPnP SSDP Default Port | 2005.2.1.48 | Baseline | Passed | Heard response to search.Device is listening on port 1900. | DDC UPnP HTTP Support and General Rules | 2005.2.1.48 | Baseline | Passed | It appears that the response was a valid HTTP/1.0 response without chunking and the socket was closed. |
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
CODE COMPLETE : I read the Japanese translated book again to write more solid codes. I read the book after an interval of ten years. However the contents are not old, I had a new discovery again. It is the best programming book still now :-) | ![]() |
Monday, February 14, 2005
W21CA : I changed my business mobile phone last week. It supports only BREW for the application platform without J2ME. The SDK for BREW is distributed free, but It is difficult to release the created applications at personal because the application must be certified, distributed from only the application server by KDDI X-<
Saturday, February 12, 2005
GNOME Programming Guidelines : I read the guidelines to development new library only using C. It had a lot of ideas in common with my programming style.
T-Format : It is the cording style to release the library for T-Engine. I couldn't not find it free on internet with out the presentation document, but I could understand the outline from the document.
T-Format : It is the cording style to release the library for T-Engine. I couldn't not find it free on internet with out the presentation document, but I could understand the outline from the document.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete : I read the Japanese translated book to know how to development HTTP server and client to embedded systems. However it is so no good for me, because the book is based on commercial HTTP libraries such as Rabbit and TINI. | ![]() |
However I am looking forward to create the network protocol stack for embedded system, because I am writing source codes only using C to after a long time. I am reading my old source code for Japanese computers or Macintosh System7 about ten years ago. It is fun work. I will create the library with the following programming style.
void HttpRequestRecieved(CgHttpRequest *httpReq)
char *uri = cg_http_request_geturi(httpReq);
CgHttpResponse *httpRes = cg_http_response_new();
cg_http_response_setstatuscode(httpRes, CG_HTTP_STATUS_OK);
cg_http_response_setcontent(httpRes, HTTP_SERVER_CONTENT);
cg_http_response_setcontentlength(httpRes, strlen(HTTP_SERVER_CONTENT));
cg_http_request_postresponse(httpReq, httpRes);
void ClinkCTestCase::testHttpServer()
/* get host interfaces */
CgNetworkInterfaceList *netIfList = cg_net_interfacelist_new();
int netIfCnt = cg_net_gethostinterfaces(netIfList);
CgNetworkInterface *netIf = cg_net_interfacelist_getinterfaces(netIfList);
char *ipaddr = cg_net_interface_getaddress(netIf);
/* start http server */
CgHttpServer *httpServer = cg_http_server_new();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(cg_http_server_open(httpServer, HTTP_SERVER_TEST_PORT, ipaddr) == TRUE);
cg_http_server_setlistener(httpServer, HttpRequestRecieved);
/* test client */
CgHttpRequest *httpReq;
CgHttpResponse *httpRes;
httpReq = cg_http_request_new();
cg_http_request_setmethod(httpReq, CG_HTTP_GET);
cg_http_request_seturi(httpReq, "/index.html");
httpRes = cg_http_request_post(httpReq, ipaddr, HTTP_SERVER_TEST_PORT);
int statusCode = cg_http_response_getstatuscode(httpRes);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(statusCode == 200);
int headerCnt = 0;
CgHttpHeader *header = cg_http_response_getheaders(httpRes);
for (;header; header=cg_http_header_next(header)) {
char *name = cg_http_header_getname(header);
char *value = cg_http_header_getvalue(header);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 < headerCnt);
/* close http server */
/* delete network interface list */
Thursday, February 10, 2005
T-Engine/SH7727 : I am looking for development platforms for T-Engine, I will buy the development kit.
KASAGO for T-Engine : I will use the library with the T-Engine plathome because the default TCP/IP protocol stach doesn't support multicast.
KASAGO for T-Engine : I will use the library with the T-Engine plathome because the default TCP/IP protocol stach doesn't support multicast.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
SL50i : It seems that CyberMediaGate can't parse the requests normally because the product adds a null char to end of the request. However I have very interested in the product because it is implemented UPnP AV client and the SDK is available. I would like to buy the product in Japan if I can. In, it seems that the product will be available from March 2005.