Monday, February 16, 2009

iNetFrame : I have fixed the following problem of Picasa, and the new version was released as v1.1.2 from yesterday.

- Rebuild with iPhone SDK v2.2.1
- Fixed to get all photo images in user's albums of Picasa.

Friday, February 13, 2009

iMediaSuite : The new version has been released in AppStore as v1.2 from yesterday . The new features are below.

* Rebuild with iPhone SDK v2.2.1
* Added a play button into the navigation bar to play the all image and audio contents automatically in the current container.
* Changed the image viewer to flip the next or prev image by the swipe gestures.
* Changed the audio player using AVAudioPlayer instead of MPMoviePlayerController.
* Added a shuffle and interval option for the auto play mode.
* Added a save button in the photo viewer to store the selected image into your camera roll.
* Fixed to activate the spinning cog for searching the renderer devices in the setting mode.
* Changed to display a warning message in the renderer mode when the renderer device isn't selected.
* Changed to push a url of the highest image into the renderer device.

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