Friday, July 23, 2004

EQUIUM 5040 : I bought the used computer from Internet by about $200, changed the memory to 256MB and the HDD to 160GB using Maxtor DiamondMax 16, and installed a capture board, GV-MVP/RX. Then I installed FedoraCore1 to the computer. I will set the computer in my living room, and it is quiet so-so :-)

XMLTV : I wanted to install the latest package, v0.5.34, for MythTV, but the following error occurred with the installation on FedoraCore1. Then, I installed the previous package, v0.5.33.
>perl -MCPAN -e shell

>install Unicode::String
>perl Makefile.PL
/usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" filter/tv_grep.PL filter/tv_grep did not return a true value at filter/tv_grep.PL line 14.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at filter/tv_grep.PL line 14.
make: *** [filter/tv_grep] Error 255
KURO-BOX : The embedded Linux use a AVR chip to control the power. Then I have to add the commands into /etc/init.d/halt to run reboot and shutdown commands normally as follows.
case "$0" in

message=$"Halting system..."
echo -n "EEEE" > /dev/ttyS1
message=$"Please stand by while rebooting the system..."
echo -n "CCCC" > /dev/ttyS1

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