Thursday, July 29, 2004

KURO-BOX : I am compiling my latest CyberLink for C++ on the embedded Linux box, but the following error occurred. I have add some changes to the configure.

>libtoolize -f
>automake --version
automake (GNU automake) 1.4-p4
>automake --foreign --add-missing --copy
automake: lib/unix/ not supported: source file `../../src/cybergarage/util/Date.cpp' is in subdirectory
automake: lib/unix/ not supported: source file `../../src/cybergarage/util/Debug.cpp' is in subdirectory
automake: lib/unix/ not supported: source file `../../src/cybergarage/util/Mutex.cpp' is in subdirectory
It seems that the automake version couldn't recognize the following lines in lib/unix/lib/ in the CyberLink. I wonder if I have to upgrade the configure tools to the latest version.
clink_media_header = 


Tatuzin Programmer : I read the book, and I think I have to add more complex test cases and execute the build and the test automatically for my open source projects. The book seems to be the translated version of The Pragmatic Programmer. Recently, I am mainly developing on WindowsXP at the bedroom the because the note book has a large screen, 1600x1200, and I executed the test for other platform such as Linux and MacOSX only before the release. In addition to it, I execute the test by the hand but I sometimes didn't add it to the test project for JUnit and CPPUnit. I created the test code temporarily, and deleted the code. It was a waste X-<

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