Friday, August 06, 2004

Simens UPnP SDK : The active user of CyberLink for Java, Stefano Lenzi, told me that the CyberLink couldn't send the action request normally because the sample device, binaryLight, has the following complex URLBase and controlURLs.

Then, I checked the problem using Siemens Java SDK v1.01 for UPnP. However, It seems that the latest version has no URLBase. I knew that Intel's NMPR recommends the URLBase is blank. The Simens UPnP SDK might be changed for the NMPR.

UPnP Media Server : I checked the standard specification to implement the Search request. The SearchCriteria string syntax of the request is described using EBNF as follows. It is a bit hard to implement the action completly. I have to consider the good implementation.
searchCrit ::= searchExp | asterisk

searchExp ::= relExp | searchExp wChar+ logOp wChar+ searchExp |"(" wChar* searchExp wChar* ")"
logOp ::= "and" | "or"
relExp ::= property wChar+ binOp wChar+ quotedVal | property wChar+ existsOp wChar+ boolVal
binOp ::= relOp | stringOp
relOp ::= "=" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
stringOp ::= "contains" | "doesNotContain" | "derivedfrom"
existsOp ::= "exists"
boolVal ::= "true" | "false"
quotedVal ::= dQuote escapedQuote dQuote
wChar ::= space | hTab | lineFeed | vTab | formFeed | return
property ::= (* property name as defined in section 2.4 *)
escapedQuote ::= (* double-quote escaped string as defined in section
hTab ::= (* UTF-8 code 0x09, horizontal tab character
lineFeed ::= (* UTF-8 code 0x0A, line feed character *)
vTab ::= (* UTF-8 code 0x0B, vertical tab character *)
formFeed ::= (* UTF-8 code 0x0C, form feed character *)
return ::= (* UTF-8 code 0x0D, carriage return character
space ::= " " (* UTF-8 code 0x20, space character *)
dQuote ::= """ (* UTF-8 code 0x22, double quote character *)
asterisk ::= "*" (* UTF-8 code 0x2A, asterisk character *)

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