Friday, October 14, 2005

I have relased new packages of CyberLink for C++ and C today , and I will start to open the latest source codes using cvs.

CyberLink for C++ v1.7.1 :
* Changed HTTPRequest::post() to add a HOST headedr before the posting.
* Changed HTTPSocket::post() to add a Date headedr to the HTTPResponse before the posting.
* Fixed HTTPPacket::set() to parse the chunk size as a hex string.
* Fixed HTTPPacket::post() to output the chunk size as a hex string.
* Fixed HTTPSocket::post() to output the chunk size as a hex string.
* Fixed a bug of Device::getParentDevice() to return the parent device normally.
* Changed XML::EscapeXMLChars() to process the '&' character at first for libxml2.
* Changed DatagramSocket::bind() to set the specified address and port whether the binding is failed.
* Fixed some bugs to parser the name spaces using libxml2.
* Changed the configure to run 'make install' normally.
CyberLink for C v1.0.1 :
* Added cg_upnp_controlpoint_setuserdata() and cg_upnp_controlpoint_getuserdatga().
* Fixed some bugs to parser the name spaces using libxml2.
* Changed the configure to run 'make install' normally.
* Changed cg_thread_start() to sedt the flag at first.
* Fixed cg_upnp_control_soap_response_createfaultresponsenode() to set the namespace attribute in the response node.

Good design!
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